Who is TVM Killa?

TVM Killa has spent years not only crafting his identity within the music scene but his brand TVMFAM as well. Growing up, he never quite fit in, often finding himself spending a lot of time alone, barricaded in his room escaping reality via virtual worlds and video games. Thus creating “The V Master”,  the name he went by in online worlds which was later shortened to just “TVM”.

While hiding from reality in otherworldly gamescapes provided a safe space for a while, TVM’s troubles began to resurface physically. By the time he hit 7th grade, he began to have physical issues from spending so much time alone and sedentary. TVM was also diagnosed with Blount’s disease, a condition affecting the bone growth in the legs. After undergoing surgery to correct the issue, he was bound to a wheelchair for 8 consecutive months and despite external stressors, he managed to write his first book: “The Stories Time Will Tell: New Seconds.” It is at this moment that TVM found the value in his creativity.

Often hating authority, band was the only class TVM actually found worthwhile and it was here he found life long friends and the chosen family he constantly preaches about today. Self-isolating and his fears regarding his future proved to be one of his best motivators, taking control of his health and determined to create a name for himself. He began to realize that being different wasn’t a bad thing; it was his strength. 

As his high school career came to an end, TVM figured college would be his next step. Due to the financial restrictions of living in a single parent household, this step was left up to him. Despite his Mom’s reassurance that “God will make a way”, TVM once again barricaded himself in his room and spent hours applying for scholarships, financial aid, and researching to make his own way. College allowed TVM to be his most authentic version, even if he did have to wear a straw hat as a way to mask at first. He started creating and writing his own songs and often he and his friends would DJ at the parties they hosted, creating a new sense of popularity he never had. Yet, surrounded by people, he felt the most alone he ever had. Something was missing, and it was here he realized that he wasn’t living his life in the way he wanted. Due to false pretenses, TVM was suspended and despite trying to appeal his case, was later expelled. 

He moved back home to Wilmington NC and began working full-time at Costco, still continuing his musical pursuits. The friends he made at Costco quickly became some of his best friends and biggest supporters. One notable influence and person he met during this time was Dawn. Describing Dawn is not an easy task and most people won’t understand it until they meet her. But there’s a reason TVM went on to write two songs about her, “Crack of Dawn” and “Birth of Dawn”. As he likes to say, “She’s the lesbian version of me.” As much as he loved the environment of Costco, TVM knew he needed something more and began a career within a logistics company, Megacorp. TVM spent hours working overtime, staying up days at a time, dedicated to moving up in the company, all while still pursuing music. TVM is still employed for Megacorp Logistics and despite only being a 2 person team at Megacorp, TVM was recognized company wide for achieving a million dollars in sales this year [2022]. 

Working with artists and creatives who he considers family, like Landon McClellan, Jon Ward [Baseprint], Ellsworth Jonson, Young Will [Recording Engineer ], Lil’ Edd [Engineer], Cam [The 1st black leprechaun], Juan [Mastering Engineer], Outsiders Production [Videographer]. TVM had realized that his artistry, brand, and who he was would not exist without those who supported him through his adolescence, college career, and work environments. In June of 2021, he finalized his brand TVMFAM, focused on spreading love, confidence in authenticity, and acting as a safe haven for those considered outcasts by the majority of society. TVM’s troubles seemed to dissipate, for once, it felt as if all the pieces had finally fallen into place. But tragedy struck TVM in October of 2021, when his Mother, Gail Smith, after battling chronic illnesses most of TVM’s life, had succumbed to a stroke that led to heart and extreme organ failure. Gail was a single-mother who loved her son more than life itself, she was immensely proud of TVM, and it is her legacy that has helped shape who TVM is as an artist and person. Gail’s love for TVM is evident in the way he loves other people and despite it being one of the hardest years of his life he carried the loss with grace. TVM, still battling his own struggles, continued offering a healing space to others hurting from their own tragedies and trauma. 

Many know him as TVM Killa, an innovative-creative who is a breath of fresh air in the music industry. The honest, out-of-pocket, and downright talented rapper, but to the select few that get to know the man behind TVM, Aaron Brown, can attest to the positive impact and influence he has had on their lives. His values of integrity, authenticity, and empowerment do not just come from the ideals of what he expects from his brand, but what he expects of himself. TVM Killa wouldn’t exist without the FAM backing him up, but the FAM only exists because of him, his energy, and love. TVM, a name that used to be an escape from reality, manifested into a reality worth living, worth being proud of, and one that has touched so many lives.